I know its just October but in the world of custom paintings it's the busiest month of the year.
I get ideas for cards and ornaments and all kinds of goodies to make and just when I want to start making, BOOM! In come the orders. I think thats a good thing, because any time I am painting it's a good thing.
These were a lot of fun, I had done a larger painting of this but since the lodge was meaningful to multiple people I printed it up and made it into snow globe ornaments!
I was thinking that something like this would be great as gifts for the kids who have grown and moved away from the family home and wanted a memory of Christmases past to hang on their tree.

The fun doesn't stop there I was also able to paint a miniature dog, and cut out the silhouette for a one-of-a-kind ornament.

If you are interested in anything like this just drop me an email bethb@beiterdesign.com and we can make it happen!
Merry Christmas!